Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What was President Jackson's Indian policy?I would like to know how Native Americans fared under his administration.

Although Andrew Jackson professed love for the "Indian people," they did not fare well under his administration.  He had been intimately involved in Native American issues for the ten years before his election in 1828, and after being elected, he passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830.  This focused on moving the "Five Civilized Tribes" from the Southeast part of the US west of the Mississippi.  The lands that these tribes occupied were coveted by white Americans living in the Southeast (especially Georgia).  Native Americans who were supposed to be able to choose to remove themselves to new reservations, were instead pressured to go.  The areas set aside for Native American use were mainly in Oklahoma, which has a very different environment than the lands these people traditionally occupied.

More than 45,000 Native Americans were forced to remove themselves from their tribal lands under Jackson's administration.

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